NCC Scores Big at Spring 2020 ADDY Awards

Bethlehem, PA (04/03/2020) — Northampton Community College (NCC) communication design students and faculty brought home numerous achievements from their creative work in the 2020 American Advertising Federation competition, the ADDYS. The students and other winners were honored at the Greater Lehigh Valley Ad Club's awards dinner on March 6.

Students Miranda Calabrese, Lorenzo Casas, Lila Shokr, and Phil Jones all took home four out of six gold awards. Lila Shokr and Sydney DeLeon scored five silver awards among them. Along with the student award winners, Jason Zulli, assistant professor of art, won Best in Show for his #MysteryLights project, done in conjunction with Arts Quest to reveal the 2020 Musikfest poster.

NCC communication design students have been active participants in the ADDY Award's competition for the past 16 years and have accumulated dozens of awards. The ADDYS is one of the largest advertising competitions in the world and one of the industry's most prestigious contests. It has been said that the ADDYs are to advertising what the Oscars are to movies.

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ADDYs students and faculty